Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I’ve never had to audition for a drama class at KEYS in the past, so why do I have to audition now?

Great question!

Now that we have two drama classes at KEYS, we had to determine how to differentiate between the two. Should we divide by age groups or have an audition class for students who really want to take their acting and performing to the next level? Obviously, you know the answer, now. 

The auditions aren’t so much to demonstrate ability but more to demonstrate desire.  Will your ability be a part of it? Sure it will! Will you be placed in the KEYS Advanced Drama class based solely on your ability? Absolutely not.  By auditioning, you’re showing us you’re willing to put yourself out there, you desire to perform, and you want to work at becoming a better actor/performer. 

We will be looking at several different things at the auditions, but here are just a few to {hopefully} help you feel more at ease:

1.     Is he/she comfortable on stage?
2.       How well does he/she follow direction?
3.       Did he/she seem prepared?
4.       What are his/her apparent strengths and weaknesses?
5.       Did his/her character seem genuine?

I hope this helps to answer some of the questions you may have. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions, and I may answer them on the blog! (My contact information is in the KEYS newsletter.)

Joyfully Serving Him,

Mrs. Henaghan